Happy Easter

Joey found a egg too!

"Hey Cam the egg is right next to you!"

Finding eggs


Cameron is also taking soccer. I wouldn't call it playing soccer more like he gets to go play and kick some soccer balls on a indoor soccer field :) He gets to see his buddy Mason which is a big deal since Mason lives so far away!

Swim Class

Cameron started swim classes a couple weeks ago. Hopefully this will help him not be so scared of the water this summer. So far he is doing great. He goes under without protest which is already an improvement. Hopefull he will learn how to doggie paddle to the side of the pool and that will make him a better swimmer than his dad :)

Happy St Patrick's Day

We had a fun day. Cameron got to watch Marc and a bunch of other fire buddies pull the truck. It was a contest and Marc's team came in 3rd. Sorry the pic is so small.


Marc finished paramedic class. He is so happy to be done. All he has left is to take the state written test, which I am sure he will pass with flying colors. Especially since he was the valedictorian of his class :)

Could they be sitting any closer to each other!

9 months

9 months old!!!! Joey is at that point where everyday he is learning something new. Of course he is constantly on the go. He is still doing the army crawl so we call him "GI Joe", I tell you what he is fast. He also has the pincher thing down which means he can find the littlest piece of fuzz on the floor and put it in his mouth. So I can't let him get out of my sight. This also allows him to feed himself Cheerios (so cute)! He is starting to sign. He can sign "more" (especially for more Cheerios), "milk", and "eat". He can wave good-bye and raise his arms up above his head to show you how big Joey is. We went to see Dr Glass today and Joey weighed in at 23lbs 7 ounces. Joey had lots of fun showing off for Dr Glass, he is such a flirt. Joey is up to 4 teeth but two more are on the way, can't wait!

eating Cheerios

signing more

"So big"

playing with daddy and Cam

Playing outside in the go cart

Doing the army crawl

The Circus

We took Cam to see the circus Sat. It was long but fun. Cam couldn't understand why the elephants were not at the Zoo. We got to see the elephants up close but did not ride them due to the price and long lines. Cam wanted nothing to do with the clowns (can't really blame him). As soon as we saw the tigers we decided to leave for lunch and nap time. Marc even enjoyed himself a little bit :)